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Beas Kund Trek- A Trek To The Source Of River Beas

Seller: MTT 3 Nights 4 Days

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Group Tour

Pre-planned itineraries with fixed transport (departure/return), stay & sightseeing, with only minor changes allowed

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Manali 3 Nights

  • Solang Nallah/Valley
  • Dhundi
  • Deo Tibba Peak & Indrasan peak
  • Hanuman Tibba
  • Veg Food (Day 1 Lunch till Day 3 Breakfast).Three Meals a day
  • Forest Permits/Camping Charges/Permits, Trek Permit Fee/IMF Permission (Upto the amount charged for Indian nationals)
  • Camping tents, Temp rated sleeping bags, mattress
  • Safety Equipment includes static rescue rope, seat harness, carabiners, pulleys
  • Mountaineering course certified Trek Leader with Wilderness Emergency Responder & Rescue. course from NIM Uttarkashi
  • First Aid Certified Local guide, cook, helpers
  • Porters or mules for carrying common luggage
  • Transportation from Manali to Manali
  • Meals during road journeys
  • Any kind of Insurance
  • Any expense of personal nature
  • Any expense not specified in the inclusion list
  • Carriage of personal rucksack
  • Meals during Hotel Stay
  • Anything not mentioned in Inclusion
Cancellation policy
  • 21 days or more before departure: Booking Amount: 20% Per Person
  • 20 to 11 days before departure: 50% of the package cost
  • 10 days or less before departure: 100% of the package cost
detailed day wise itinerary
Day 1 Drive from Manali to Solang Valley and afterward journey to Dhundhi Height: 8156 ft (2486m) to 9465ft (2885m) Time taken: 4-5 hrs, 6.7kms Trip slope: Moderate Ascent Landscape type: Well-checked street followed by timberland trails Water sources: You'll discover a stream on the path, however it very well may be dim. Convey 2 liters of water from Manali. The Beas Kund journey begins from Solang Valley. The 12 km course from Manali Bus Stand to Solang Valley takes you past Palchan Village. As you enter Solang Valley, the path gets more beautiful with pine woodlands and mountains around. The journey begins from a rough way adjacent to Hotel Solang Valley Inn, which goes towards Solang Power House. Around 5-10 minutes into the path, you will go over an entryway to one side and the rough way which goes to left, keep strolling on the rough way which goes to one side, at that point you will run over a stream. First stream crossing before dhundhi_Beas Kund-Indiahikes-AkhilMenon First stream crossing before Dhundi. Picture by Akhil Menon. Cross the stream and continue to follow the path. Around 5 minutes after the fact notice that the path closes. Not long before the path closes, recognize a tremendous pine tree on the left-hand side of the path. Track down a little path just next to the pine tree, which goes up through the timberland cover. This path associates with the principle street. From here, follow the street till you arrive at the scaffold which associates the Rohtang Tunnel. Adjacent to the scaffold, discover a street that goes down to one side. On the right-hand side of this street, you'll see River Beas streaming in the midst of numerous rocks. You need to get across the stream. There's a wooden log connect. The stream isn't excessively unpleasant now, so it ought not be troublesome. From here, it is a 10-minute stroll to our first campground Dhundhi. The Dhundi campground. Picture By: Akhil Menon Day 2 Dhundhi to Lohali Elevation: 9465 ft (2885m) to 10974 ft (3345m) Time taken: 4 hrs, 3.5 km Journey angle: Moderate to soak rising all through the trip Territory type: Mostly forested, with pine trees Tourist spots in transit: Blue bolts on the rocks pointing the bearing of the path. Water sources: Carry 2 liters of water from Dhundhi. The principal water source is 0.7 km from Dhundi. It is a stream that you will cross. Fill your water bottles here as there is no water source accessible till you arrive at the following camping area. The path starts with steep climb as you head further into the valley. You'll discover pine, birch and even some pecan trees. Around an hour into the path, there's a stream that you need to cross. This likewise fills in as a decent water source. Subsequent to intersection the stream the rising proceeds followed by a precarious plummet. The path is very much set apart with blue bolts painted on the rocks. So there's no chance of getting lost. Further, from here, around 10-15 minutes into the path, recognize a log connect that associates with the opposite side of the valley (for example Bakarthach campground). This is simply to get your direction right. You won't cross the waterway now. Simply stay on a similar side of the waterway, on the right-hand side of the valley close to the Beas River. The stream intersection to arrive at Bakarthach. As you go further you will see that the timberline has finished and subalpine shrubberies start. Around 1.6 km into the trip, the whole valley opens up and you can see the stone areas from where the Beas River streams. You can likewise see an Ice Wall over the Boulder Sections. Before long, the path twists towards the right, into the valley. When you're in the valley, you will see a stream moving from the valley. Cross the stream and you have arrived at the following camping area Lohali. Lohali is a picturesque campground encompassed by mountains, it makes an ideal outdoors spot. Your water source here is the stream which streams adjacent to the camping areas. Lohali is somewhere else before the Beas Kund where you can camp. Picture By: Akhil Menon. Day 3 Lohali to Lady Leg to Beas Kund and back to Lohali Elevation: 10,974 ft (3345m) to 12,772 ft (3893m) Time taken: 5-6 hrs, 3.2 km (forward and backward) Journey inclination: Steep rising right to the culmination Territory type: Rocky way Water sources: Carry 2 liters of water from Lohali as there is no water source on the path. Start right on time as you need to travel a stature of around 1798 feet. With the distance being simply around 1.6 km it's a precarious climb to Beas Kund. The path is very much stamped and very tireless. Be that as it may, the perspective on the mountains and woodlands around stays with you. After around three hours of climb, you will arrive at a glade at an elevation of 12542 ft (3823m), this spot is called Lady Leg, which additionally turns out to be the highest point camp of Friendship Peak. Rest here for some time and take a few pictures. On the off chance that the climate is clear, you'll get great pictures of Friendship Peak as well. As you arrive at the Lady Leg campground you will see a path going to one side of the glade which goes as far as possible up to the most noteworthy point, which is on an edge. It is a 15 brief move from the Lady Leg Campsite. As you arrive at the edge search for the lake somewhere out there. Note that, you will not trip the banks of the lake however you can appreciate the perspectives on it from the ridgeline Towards the right, you can see a lake settled in the laps of tops around. Picture By: Akhil Menon On a sunny morning, you can get a staggering perspective on Pir Panjal Range and Dhauladhar Range very close. Additionally significant pinnacles like Hanuman Tibba, Shitidhar, Ladakhi and Friendship Peak stand gloriously before you. On a truly sunny morning, you can likewise see tops like Deo Tibba and Indrasen down the valley. In the wake of investing some energy at the highest point, backtrack your approach to Lohali. Day 4 Lohali to Solang Valley Elevation: 10974 ft (3345m) to 8156 ft (2486m) Time taken: 5-6 hrs, 9 km Journey slope: Easy, Moderate plummet Landscape type: Forest path and stream side path The present trip is a simple one, you return to Solang Valley through the course you came up from. It requires 5-6 hours to arrive at Solang Valley.
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