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Booking App

  • Secure Booking
  • Top Deals
  • Zero Cancellation

Frequently asked questions(FAQ)

If you are feeling lost somewhere and searching for some help, then read below! You will get answers to your queries.

Would the prices which are displayed on your website, applicable to all people?

Yes, the prices which are shown as INR are for Indian residents and the international fares are for both foreigners and residents of India.

In order to make flight booking on behalf of someone else, you need to enter that person’s name in the traveller name or passenger name in the form. As a default, your profile information will be used. However, it is even possible for you to change that with the name of the person travelling. Similarly, you can make online hotel booking and holiday package confirmation on behalf of someone else.

As soon as we get your reservation amount, we send you an immediate e-mail confirming your booking. The e-mail consists of the itinerary details and the price. Even for last minute flight & hotel booking, you will get proper e-mail to confirm the status.

We make use of the real-time database for reservations, which is used by the travel agents based globally. As the sits are filled in airlines, the database immediately reflects those changes within fraction of seconds. This results in the airfare change.

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